Friday, 27 April 2012


Things that i would do differently next time:

- First of all this was my first attempt at making a website, i was completely new to the HTML code and CSS. I would take more tutorials in how to code both HTML, CSS and javascript.

- I think that the time given between the start of the assignment and he deadline was long enough considering i had to earn the code from scratch. However the time i spent was mostly trying to work out how the site worked and how exactly was put together. I was forever looking online at trouble shooting blogs because it was difficult.

- I would organise my time better for my sketchbook, there wasn't enough drawing or sketches done in order to really solidify my ideas and visual styles.

- Clients missed meeting deadlines

Things that went well:

- I think that towards the end as i became more familiar with the code i was able to understand it better thus being able to work faster at coding HTML and CSS.

- The initial research went well, and the communication between the client went well, despite them not being able to turn up, twice.

What i have learnt overal:

- i have learnt to code HTML and CSS to a satisfactory level, more work needs to be done in this area of design, more experience required in order to fully reach my potential in web design.

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