Thursday, 1 March 2012

Visualisation Styles - David Hockney

In order to expand and gather ideas i decided to research into visual language such as styles and specific designs. As i was researching i found this designer called David Hockney. From what i can gather he is quite well known for his abstract styled artwork both hand drawn and digitally designed.

Here are a few examples of his work that i looked at, all images come from his website...

 David Hockney Image 1

David Hockney Image 2

David Hockney Image 3

I liked the idea and the style of this images and the way that each image is made up of different images/ photographs. i like how they overlap and make the final image look layered, it gives the image more depth and makes it more interesting to look at. 

An idea i had was similar to David Hockney's styled work, only i would have used the same process for my own photos that i took. Thus giving my production an abstract theme. Below are more Images made my David Hockney in which i looked at for inspiration... 

David Hockney Image 4

David Hockney Image 5

David Hockney Image 6

David Hockney Image 7

These are just a few examples of David Hockney's work, i really like the one of the guitar.

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