In my production i need to include text formatted graphics to enhance my video and the message that is being put across. In order to do this i looked at font faces in order to choose the best one for my video. Here are a few examples...
"I have a Dream" - Verdana
"I Have a Dream" - Trebuchet
"I Have a Dream" - Courier
"I Have a Dream" - Georgia
After looking at these faces i thought these ones were ok, but the font face i actually decided to go with was Helvetica. The reason i chose this font face was because its easy to read, has a nice visual format on dark backgrounds and makes it subtle and isn't to in your face. Subtle is what im trying to go for, i dont want it looking like the text is just slapped on over the top because then the whole video looses authenticity.
"I Have a Dream" - Helvetica
As you can see Helvetica is a nice font face, very subtle and not to over the top.
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