Tuesday, 18 October 2011

First Shoot for panorama

So i went out and done my first panorama shoot. i went to brighton and found a nice secluded car park just out of the way from the main high street. it had a great view of the houses and shops, roof tops and sky. here are a few images below shown as examples of some of the pictures i took...

As you can see from the images i photographed above they are all high definition and high resolution images shot using the landscape function on my 7D cannon camera. i used a tripod with a bubble level in order to make sure the tripod was set up correctly. One of the problems when editing this panorama was the colour differences between each picture. This was because of the sun reflecting off of different surfaces from different angles. i went for a mid range to long range shoot trying to get as much in the photo from the horizon as possible.

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