Thursday, 21 February 2013

Research Into Bacardi Themes And Styles in Film And Animation

Starting off my research i am looking into existing themes/ styles of Bacardi and how they portray these themes and styles through the use of Television commercials.

This advert promotes the idea of everyone coming together, creating there own scenery, their own atmosphere in order to have a party where Bacardi is present. For a long time Bacardi have kept the same theme through out there adverts, this theme is 'Party'. 

Here is another two videos i looked at, both keeping to exactly the same theme, a bartender... 


Both are keeping with in the party theme as they are both located within a bar. 

In order to re-create or re-brand the advertisement to suit the brief set by Bacardi, i want to come away from the current theme and go into an entirely different theme. 

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